Dear Colleagues,

With great excitement, the Center for Pedagogical Innovation (CPI) announces the inauguration of the Wesleyan Presentation Studio. The Studio provides a home for all members of the Wesleyan community to engage in improving the quality of presentations, whether for class assignments, conference presentations, job talks, or any other purpose. Our trained student mentors will provide free one-on-one consultations supporting presentation development at any stage, from conception and outline to visual design and refining/streamlining to providing feedback on a “dress rehearsal”. If you teach a course with an assigned presentation component at any stage of the curriculum, we encourage you to make your students aware of the Studio’s existence by directing them to our website at Over the coming weeks, we expect to build this website out further with tips and resources to guide best practices in presentation design, so please stay tuned and share this link via your course Moodle or other methods.

If you’d like a representative from the Presentation Studio to visit your class to promote this initiative, or for any other inquiries, please contact us directly at In addition, if you are thinking about incorporating presentations into a future course, improving your own approach to assigning and assessing presentations, or want support in designing your own presentations, the Studio and CPI are ready to assist you, and we encourage you to connect via the same email address. 


Jeffrey Goetz
Assistant Director, Instructional Design

Jen Rose
Director, Center for Pedagogical Innovation